A View of What’s Icelandic and Fantastic

Iceland has ADVENTURE written all over it. While in Reykjavik….   A culinary feat. Infoisland.is has to say, “Grillmarkadurinn (Grillmarket) is a top quality grill restaurant located in central Reykjavik and was founded by Icelandic culinary team member Hrefna Rósa Sætran. Grillmarkadurinn aims to please, focusing on haute cuisine, creative culinary and Icelandic ingredients. They … Keep reading

Iceland Visualized

Visualizing works! Now landing in Iceland.  It’s like landing on the moon. Whisked away in our ride… Shots from inside the vehicle, behind the window… Moss-grown lava fields… And the Blue Lagoon beckons…  Iceland is a pioneer in the use of geothermal energy for space heating, providing the heating and hot water requirements of approximately 87% of … Keep reading